

I get my email in several mailboxes - and it was almost horrifying to see
the number of posts made today on two subjects - jokes/insults and the
direction this list has taken. I joined this list, like most of us, to learn
about pd.  I also joined several others at the same time, which I am no
longer a member of now. I can find out facts about pd in the archives, at
med sites, from doctors, or by looking in the mirror.  I find the heart and
spirit to face today and tomorrow from reading folks on this list.  I don't
always agree with them, don't always like them, but I do think they have the
right to be heard. If someone finds a joke offensive, then quit telling the
damn joke - odds are that one person only spoke up, and another 100 agree
with them. I happen to like the jokes, but not enough to lose one member off
this list - especailly when that member is one I don't normally agree with.
Sounds odd? think about it, if the only people you read/talk to are people
who agree with you, then how are you going to learn to see the "other side"?
I respect a lot of people here I've never met - but I have met a few, and
they are just people, like you and me, who are trying to make the best out
of life.  some of them I like, some I don't, but they all deserve the right
to voice their opinion and not be told to shut up.
I have been on this list long enough to see several list wars flare up,
people get mad and leave, etc, but I have also been here long enough to see
the value of this list is more than the pd info. you get.
I write poems to help keep me sane. Maybe you paint, or the next one prays,
or tells jokes.  I think whatever it takes to keep going, to face another
day where your fingers won't button your shirt, or you have to look at
someone new watching you try to get a drink without spilling the whole damn
glass, or breaking another good dish because your hands won't hold the damn
thing... hell withit, it's been a long day and it saddens me to see good
people like dr bob, sandy, janet etc feeling they have to leave because
someoen got mad and flamed them.
this list belongs to one person - barb p
but to a whole lot of us, it's a part of our family too
can't we remember that, and allow some lee way?
bob aka tex
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