

Dear Friends - There is so much going on in my life right now, some good
and some not so good, that I have decided to lurk awhile.  I really don't
want to get off list, so I'll just "hang " in there for awhile.  It's
been suggested that I'm posting too much, and I guess that is probably
true.  When one is going through what I am, they probably
try to reach out.  Sometimes when we reach out, we are accepted and
sometimes we are rejected.   Right now, I need to go into myself  and
find out what I am all about.  I have many cyber friends, and many
who feel I am confrontational.  At any rate, I have the addresses of the
people I would like to stay in touch with, and will do so, unless asked
otherwise.  I'm not getting off the list, I need you all too much, but am
going to lurk for awhile.  Best wishes, Jo Ann