

Dave wrote..
>>>> I believe that contributors to the List are caring individuals.  We
>>>> are all  Going through some of the toughest challenges of our lives.
We should try to make the most positive use of a tool as >>>>powerful as
the List.

When I first found the list I felt like I found something
helped me "accept" as best I could that I had PD and that I WAS NOT ALONE
WITH THIS THING.......if I found the list today, I doubt if I would feel
that drives me up a wall to see the bickering especially when I
read the posts at night when I can't sleep....let's get back to the normal
caring and supportive group we were and could still be again...and put
Non-pd in front of anything not PD related and make use of the SPARKLE
list...and keep our major support people like Dr. Fink, Dr. Romero,
Kathrynne, etc...we're in a battle for our lives with PD and we need all
the support we can get.... Joan Hartman

--- Joan Hartman
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