

Well Gang, I know I said I wouldn't post for a while, and it has been
five days, but as most of you know, a Scorpio can't keep quiet for too

I just finished watching the Oprah Winfrey show and one of the segments
was about toxic e-mail.   I couldn't help but think of Gail Vass' message
attacking Barbara P for not preventing some of the problems.  I promise
you, Barbara is discreet enough to do all of her work behind the scenes,
and does it in a lady-like manner.  When I wrote Gail back, I said we
have been on the list a long time and have gotten to know each other and
we participate in cyberlove.  We would like to accept her in the
cyberlove systems, or we can put her on the "avoid" list.  Which - by the
way - is not MY list.  She wrote back and said, "put me on your avoid
list, thank you".  Well, guess what? She is.

Also when Katie, the infamous lawyer, wrote and ridiculed Juanita and me
about laughing at our loves' falls, I was incensed.  How the H--- does
she know what is going on when it was her first time to post?  I called
my love and asked if he minded if I mentioned his fall and he gave me
permission to do it  BEFORE I did it. .    So again, people who write
e-mails, need to check about what's going on behind the scenes.  I for
one, want to say, if anyone wants to ridicule me, do it on personal mail,
because I have many cyberfriends and many cybersiblings "out there".
And even though we don't always agree, we DO get over it.   But very
seldom does one get over being attacked in such a way.  I even wrote Bob
Fink personally and apologized about something I said, because I was

For the rest of you who care about your PWPD's and the CG's who love
them.  Hang in there.  The storm will abate.  And soon I hope. Now I'm
going into my little ticky=tacky box and hybernate for a while.
JoAnn the one who loves you