


I rarely post to this list, occasionally to CARE.  Although my Aussie humour
doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, and I do sometimes find the jokes
amusing, I do agree with you that in a public forum such as this, if one person
is offended it should stop.  What I will do and say in the privacy of my close
circle of friends, and in public are quite often different because I am more
aware of others.

Please reconsider your decision to leave because I find your comments always
interesting and useful.  You seem able to balance some issues with sanity.  I
tend to quite often ignore quite a few messages because they seem to be
concerned more with putting people down or personal attacks and I don't think
there is a place for this on the list.

I will now go back into my box downunder and continue to read and learn.

Ruth from downunder, CG for Betty (Mum) aged 70, diagnosed around 20 years.

Camilla Flintermann wrote:
> Bob-- I have twice posted onlist my agreement with you. Didn't you see
> those posts?  Please hang in there-- you are not alone.
> >A copy of this posting is going to Barbara as well as to the List.  I will
> >remain here for the next few days, waiting for people to *publicly*
> >post their true feelings about the points that I have been trying to
> >make (about offensive postings under the guise of "jokes").  Unless I
> >see a majority of this List standing in support of sensitivity, I will
> >leave this List.
> >
> >Maybe my usefulness is gone, anyway.