

bob armentrout wrote:
> Hi Ivan - you have given my brain a good teaser this morning.  I read your

<<<<<<<<  snip  >>>>>>>>>

> think of.  It was used for termite control until the 80's, but it had to be
> buried in the soil because it had a half life of 30 yrs....maybe someone
> else can come up with a name.
> If I do remember the name, I will pass it on to you off list.
> bob aka tex

I'm no help with the insecticide name...just want to make an observation

let's see--

a half life of 30 years means half is still there 30 yars later
and at 60 years one quarter still remains
and at 90 years one eighth still remains
and at 120 years one sixteenth still remains
etc... ad infinitum

not exactly bio-degradable
wonder if it can still be detected in hair follicles
since it hangs around so long

some radioisotopes are quicker to decay

                                 Ray Strand
                             Prairie Sky Design
 -----------------(   on  the Edge of the Prairie Abyss  )---------------
                          when  the  sky  is  clear
                            the ground is visible

                     48/dx PD 2 yrs/40? onset/retired