

I certainly hope that I will not offend anyone with this post-if you
don't like any mention of God-PLEASE DELETE NOW. I wrote this last year
for the Dumpster Gang Chatroom and it seems to be appropriate now.

Heavenly Father, we come before You a people on the brink of a new
year... a family brought together by a common bond... friends who love
and cry and tease and fight and hurt.
We thank You, Lord, for the blessings that You have showered upon us:
Courage & Determination; Strengths & Weaknesses.
But most of all, we thank You for the gift of each other-for it is from
others that we draw support to face each day.
We ask Your aid so that we may understand the our place in Your plan for
us and to deal with the ravages of our disease. We ask also for guidance
each day as we contend with each other: fragile as  we might be-torn by
struggle and pain.
Grant us the wisdom and the patience to really listen to each other and
to offer Truth and Comfort from our daily strife.
Give us the ability to live each day as it is presented to us with grace
and dignity.
And if it be Your will, we ask that these next years bring a cure and
the ability to face all of the possibilities that would then be opened
to us.
We ask all of these things in the Faith that Your will be done.

Joan E. Blessington Snyder     49/10
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"Hang way through it but to do it."
    Chris-in-the-Morning  (Northern Exposure)