

Bob, re the above title. i picked it an others have copied it. The choice of
words was to give an image to what the subject matter of the letter was
about. I probably should have -- at least -- put th e word "humor" in quotes.
Mea Culpa.
On the o ther hand, some idiots think garbage is humor.
To quote the cinema: Humor is like a box of chocolates, Nutty pleases some,
but not all.
i think that was a bad stretch.
Anyway, my little speech in the PIEN was suposed to be in support so please
do not take offense at this distorted use of the word humor. (A writer's
As i read the mail, those who agree are writing to you, but there is no
Maybe that's an indication that they've ceeded. Probably not - but I think
they got burned by the people who have taken a stand with you.
illitigitimae Non Carburundum...

<<  I have no problem with humor; but I
 will not tolerate prejudice in any form. >>