

Dear Audrey,
You said,
"...the only exceptions were my close list friends who did comment.  Now is
that oversight due to fear of her or a silent acknowledgment that there is no
equal concern for all?  Or does it really depend upon whom it is directed
towards and who directs it ?   "

I'm sorry to see when anyone leaves the PIEN.
I do not read most of the posts. I am on a tight time budget so I mainly
restrict my reading of the posts in which the title catches my eye. Rarely do
I read the "jokes" or personal debates.
You have a valid point. --- So does Bob.
It reminds of a major fight I had with my late wife. We were both furious and
weren't speaking to each other -- I had forgotten why I was angry -- just
knew I was steaming. She broke the tension of the moment, by bringing home a
On the face of the card it showed a drop of water and the word, "DROP."
When I opened the card, it said, "DEAD" with a picture of a man flat on his
I laughed, she laughed and I bought her a gremlin with a sign that said,
"We need each other."
That was over twenty years ago.
That's my motto today --
I don't wish to take sides in this dispute, but had I taken umbrage at her
card suggesting I "Drop Dead." I might have divorced the greatest lady in the
world. I hope none of our participants feel they must divorce themselves from
our little network.
I wish you and Bob and all those on the PIEN (and include those who dropped
out) a peaceful resolution to this entire matter.
i sincerely believe: WE NEED EACH OTHER!