

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        51/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses  clear moonlit skies +11 deg. F

Hi Tony, and the LIST:

I am going to be evaluated by a
Massachusetts neurosurgical team
in early January,.and by a Rhode Island
team in February.   Unilateral and  simultaneous
bilateral pallidotomy procedures are
definitely to be discussed, among
with other options.

I am also looking into whether I
could qualify for genetic therapy.

My main problem is devastating
and quick-arriving off-periods, during
which complete paralysis tries
to overtake me. Tremor is a minor
difficulty with me.  My internal
functions are now slowing- and
therefore I am not sure what's next.

One day at a time, prayerfully forward I go.

I still believe that  there is a VIRUS that causes PD.
I believe it  could be found and immobilized,
if enough research is prioritized
in virology and immunology.

I still believe that research to undo
the genetic changes that a virus can
cause, sort of like undoing knotted
shoelaces and then lacing them in
the corrrect sequence, could lead
to a "cure," without the risks of
cedrebral dysfunction and intra-
cranial hemorrhages that are
part of pallidotomy's risk package.

Still, Tony, I am thrilled for
you-and it gives me more hope
to learn of your wonderful
success with Dr. Iacono.

Congratulations and good luck!

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 17:27:49 -0800 tony schoonenberg
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Dear. fallow Parkies;
> A lot of you know me my name is Tony Schoonenberg I have been active
> in the fight against PD since 1985. When I
> was tould I I had PD. For the past 9 years I have been Dr.
> Iacono's researcher and pt. I had also been suffering more
> off time and was H&Y stage 5 50% of the time. I was taking
> 1500 To 2000mg a day of l-dopa, 300mg a dat of amantadine, and 12mg
> of mirapex a day. On aug. 9th 2000
> underwent a right pallidotomy by DR. Iacono (in 1995 I had a left
> pallidotomy By Dr. Iacono) For severl months I was falling more than
> 4 times a day. I tried everthing with my meds I could think of
> (Liquid l-dopa Q1 hrs etc.)
> Then I realized I was doing better with no meds. So I STOPED all
> parkie meds. and now its a month latter
> I am walking and talking better than 2 years ago! I have
> no tremor. So the question is whats a cure? For me I am cured I am
> doing better than I have in years on NO MEDS!!!
> So I would say pallidotomy when its done by Dr. Iacono
>                              Tony Schoonenberg
>                                 [log in to unmask]