

I have been taking Remeron for about 6 months now and I agree whole-heartedly
with your description concerning its effectiveness with regard to sleep and
tremor.  Many are not aware that Remeron, although it is an anti-depressant,
has been found to help with controlling the tremor many PWP's have.  My
tremor is now almost nonexistant except for a few occasions when I get
totally stressed out over something.  A very welcome relief considering I
have the typical PD "arm-roll" tremor, along with facial and whole body
tremors.  I'm curious to know if your husband has any lower back pain.  I
have to take a few days break from Remeron from time to time because it
causes excruciating pain in my lower back.  After a few days without the med
and a f ew days of sitting on heating pad....I can resume taking it again.
I'm very impressed and glad my neuro prescribed it......Take care...