

Hi All,
Yogi Berra said, "It’s like deja vue all over again."

Here is a *repost* from three years ago...  You may note a familiar *ring*...

Hi List Members;

I read all the latest "keffuffel" and "family" posts and yes..the
suicide posts (a subject I personally cannot imagine contemplating)
and I thought about what this List and all the varied posts mean to

First I'm deeply indebted to Barbara Patterson (the founder) for this
fabulous list.

This list is "Family".

This list is "Entertaining" to say the least.

This list is a great "Educator" and not only in matters Parkinsonian.

This list is  a tremendous "Resource" and I thank Janet Paterson who
taught me how to access the archives. (and Simon Coles who maintains
the archives).

This list is the "Ultimate Support Group" with 1600+ members that
share every facet of PD.

This list is a great source of encouragement and information and this
list is something I look forward to, every day, with great
anticipation.  Just ask my wife!

This list is a place where we can ask virtually any question on any
subject and get level headed non-judgemental good responsible
answers.  One of the best parts of this list is that we don't all
think alike.  There are, of course, skeptics as well as optimists. If
someone posts something off base someone else will offer another
view.  Bob Fink reminded us today to read ALL the words and think
about where an optimistic report might be coming from and I thank him
for that.

I enjoy the light hearted banter and jibes and kibbitzing that exists
as a nice friendly part of this list.  I am grateful to Ken and Barb
and Don and Sonia and all the others who keep this part going.

I enjoy the jokes. (thanks Nancy)

I learn something here every day.  Today I learned of a site that
does instant free translation English to French and vice versa etc.
and I thank Gail for that.

Last month John Walker gave me the search engine WebSitez and Dennis
gave us all "A Terrible Beauty".

In the past I've particularly enjoyed the wonderful insights of
Judith Richards, Camilla Flinterman, Art Hirsch, Janet Paterson, Joy
Graham, Kathrynne Holden, Brian Collins, Ivan Suzman and so many
others...........(i hope i speld all the names rite)

One of the first things I learned on this list was how to walk
backwards and thus relieve the painful cramps of dystonia.  George
Lussier, I thank you very much for that!

I'm a Canadian but I still follow all the Udall and Upton post with
the greatest interest.  A CURE is a CURE in any country!!

Art gave me IEEE Spectrum News and Dennis Greene gave me the Speakers
Guide and on and on and on...........................

Marling reminds me to laugh and often and where would WE be without
the inspiration of Don Mckinley?

I'm going on vacation in May and through this list I've been invited
to a support group meeting in L.A. and I thank Barb Mallut for that.

In short I love this list and through it I have been introduced to
some of the most wonderful people on earth.

Don't change this list.

All my very best to all the list members.........Murray 53/4

And... August 1999

Hi All;

The true Power of this List is its uncanny ability to "empower" the

The latest example is Bonnie, John, Hans, & Simon and the new Sparkle
List. (empowered by the substantial power of this list, rising above
a family "kefuffal")

I've seen the impressive power of this list before...

Lobbying on the Hill...

Assisting members with their troubles...

Janet's website (a mothers day gift to Barb P. to be sure, but we all

John Cottingham's List on the wwweb.......

Simon Coles archives......

Gail's idea and Jerry's implementation establishing the Parkinson's

I could go on and on but I'm sure you see what I mean....


Deja vue all over again ...... murray 56 / 7

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