

Ivan-- take note of the nice post from newbie Katie--would your atty let
you communicate with her? She's been a trial atty (Public Defender) and law
professor, and even has a cat named Tarzan--what more could you want?
Maybe she can help you get through this fiasco.  Hang on!

>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        51/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
> Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        17   deg. F   :-)
>Dear friends.
>  I just don't understand  this world of ours sometimes.
>   I am being put " on trial"  in a  tiny, uncomfortable,
>Department of  Human Services hearing room.
>I just don't get it...even though I am visible, as an activist
>for PWP's. isn't there a more mature way to get this
>MESS without putting me through an arduous ordearl,
>this Hearing-on tape, just like in courts of law??
>Ivan Suzman

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH

                                      <[log in to unmask]>

        On PDWebring at :


                      Tomorrow is a gift that is wrapped in Hope.
