

> search "DBS" and "PMID" in parkinsn from 20000101 to today
-> 15 matches.

Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
075456 00/01/29 18:02   45   PMID: 10640920: DBS of the Ventral
Intermediate Nucleus of the Thalamus
077060 00/02/29 13:35  129   january 2000: alphabetical index: my words to
the pieNET
080979 00/05/30 17:20   39   PMID: 10753483: Neuropsychological outcome of
pallidotomy and DBS in PD
080982 00/05/30 17:28   40   PMID: 10753487: Quality of life in PD after
pallidotomy and DBS
080986 00/05/30 17:30   41   PMID: 10753488: Behavioral complications of
pallidal stimulation
080995 00/05/31 00:29  157   PMID: 10753482: Behavioral complications of
early pallidotomy
081032 00/05/31 23:34  169   Re: PMID: 10753482: Behavioral complications
of early pallidotomy
081844 00/06/15 18:22   49   PMID: 10853073: Subthalamic Stimulation in PD.
prelim. results.
081857 00/06/15 23:55  428   pubmed citations update 2000/06/15 / barometer
reading 135
082317 00/06/28 08:22   61   Re: PMID: 10805339: Levodopa-induced dyskinesias
082347 00/06/28 23:51   18   Re: PMID: 10822428: Long-duration response to
L-dopa in early PD.
084953 00/08/22 04:42  196   voices
087522 00/10/07 12:21  386   pubmed citations update 2000/10/07 /
'barometer' reading 177 / 1 of 2
090698 00/12/19 20:09  197   another DBS study

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1. send the following e-mail message (where xxxxxx = the post numbers):
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3. and, bob's yer uncle, the listserver will e-mail them to you in minutes!

janet paterson ~ [log in to unmask] ~