

I'm fwdg this from Hilary Blue, please note her temporary email address and
why she hasn't been posting lately.

>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 16:47:01 -0500
>From: hilary blue <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: dejoining and rejoining
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Dear Camilla
>first - apologies for not writing sooner - i have been participating in a
>drug study aat NIH and it has taken up a lot more of my time and energy than
>i anticipated. meantime ai am having trouble with my errols account, and
>with my computer. Jed has promised me his computer as soon as he gets his
>new one orgainsed at school, and i think i am goinkg to change servers as
>soon as i get it. so for a couple of weeks i am in network-limbo and using
>this hotmail account until i sort myself out. I cant access my errols
>account, and so cant receive anything from the list or anything sent to
>azure2 for that matter. and i dont know how to notify the list from this
>account to stop sending stuff to azure2 and send it here instead
>can you help me please

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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