

Although I defend everyone's right to say whatever they wish, in person and
on the airwaves and even here in cyberspace, I was growing up during the
"innocent days"  of the 40's and 50's when a "dirty word" would never be
allowed on TV or radio, and after hearing what goes on now, I sort of miss
those days! It leaves something to the imagination!  Also, jokes at the
expense of anyone's beliefs, color or religion, really are not funny,
sometimes we laugh more from shock than humor,  I miss the old "moron" jokes,
from my childhood, as every group could laugh at them, knowing that no one
THEY knew could ever be considered a moron! (RIGHT?)  It takes a great deal
of intelligence to tell a funny story or joke that does not need to make
anyone look stupid, and does not insult anyone. We have many folks here who
do that well, so we can be entertained without being hurt! I'll now leave the
soap box!
Ken B