

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        51/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses          52 balmy deg. F   :-)
Dear PIEN-ers:

My state legislator in the House of Representatives ,in Augusta
has been elected to the  Democratic leadership.  He is
Deputy Majority leader (Whip) Bill Norbert
of Portland.  Bill has acted very diligenty on a campaign
promise to promote the needs of PWP's.

His work is very mucg appreciated.

Bill called me Wednesday. He is submitting a bill
to protect the rights of PWP's  needing advocacy
in courts and hospitals.

There will be Approprations requested
to pay to educate  existing legal and medical personnel
about PD, and to train qualified persons to become

Is anyone intereested in helping to draft
similar legislation in their states?

I also need to collect texts of all existing state laws
on PD (now in effect) ,for my volunteer work as the APDA-
Maine chapter's Legislative liason.
Any submissions will be handled with care
and will be given immediate attention.


Ivan M. Suzman