

In talking about those that want to block us out
because of our Parkinson's problems, I reached down to
pull out some things I would want to say. I'm
sure each of us have someone in our lives we want to be
closer to, but we don't force the issue because of our
awareness of their feelings. As noble as this
is, we are destroying the chance for love. Perhaps we
hide our own feelings from others. If so, then these
words are for you also. Either way, we each
should take a moment to:


You shy away from me. As I reach out for you I can see
the doubts, the fear in your eyes. I understand the
questions that you cannot ask; will I be here
tomorrow? Will I be here to laugh with you, to be a
part of your dreams? Will I be strong and healthy or
will I become a shadow, a weak mist? Do you
love me now and let the pain of tomorrow sweep over you
or do you let the love die here and save tomorrow for a

There is a story of the white swan, often thought to be
the purest of God's creatures. To them alone was given
the power to fly high into the skies, past the
clouds, beyond the sunrise, to fly into heaven and
return. To them alone was the power given to see
tomorrow without dying, to return with a knowing of
that which lies beyond the next sunrise. Had I been
born as a swan so that I would know, I would share my
knowledge with you. If I had the power to
follow into heaven and return, I would tell you all I
saw. As you, I am but human. Tomorrow lies beyond our
knowing; as does the other side of a cloud,
as does the mystery beyond the horizon.

Listen to the now. Hear the sound of my love for you,
as strong as my heartbeat, as real as my breath. I am
here, as are you, in the present. This moment
will pass from existence, but not from our memories.
The tomorrow you fear is the today we share. Let it not
slip away, untouched, because of a fear of
the next moment. To us is the choice of not loving for
fear of tomorrow, or to not have the memory of love in
our remembrance of yesterday.

Listen with me to the quiet. Listen to the love that I
have for you. Is that a tear? Yes, I know. Sometimes it
hurts to let go of the fear, but we can let love
replace it. And if we are very quiet, maybe, just
maybe, we can hear the sounds of the swan's song as she
wings her way back from heaven.

Jerry Finch

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Habitat for Horses, Inc.
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