

HEllo PIEN'ers:

Nigel Harland wrote a few days ago about Madopar taking  only
20 min to kick in in the morning:

Nigel says:"Although I take Madopar Dispersible ( as opposed to sinemet )
I have found
that it is much better to wait until "kick in" has happened, in my case
about 20 minutes, before eating or drinking anything, otherwise the
of the Madopar can be seriously slowed down."

Best Wishes
Nigel Harland

Sinemet takes 35to 45 minutes  to kick in , in me.  Multiply  40 min or
by 7 doses  per day, and you can see I wait  s much as280 min
per day, or 4 HOURS AND 40 MINUTES.

SO, how do we Americans get Madopar to try?  Or are we doomed
to 2nd-class status?

Do the drug companies have a geographically-organized cartel??
Can that be broken??


Ivan Suzman