

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        51/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       23 cold and clear   deg. F

Hi Rita,

Lucky, lucky woman you are !!  Do you swallow your
Sinemet with something acidic- or just water?

Many of the folks here complain about long off-times, and
that Sinemet takes 30 to 45 minutes or longer to kick in,
depending on stomach contents in the way.

And others besides Nigel, in the UK, have spoken about the quicker
kick of Madopar which is absorbed  faster (in the throat?)
Irsofar as I can remember, Madopar uniformly takes 15-25 minutes.

SO the issue is - in my humble opinion - that patients anywhere
have the RIGHT to access to medicines.  Even if it means that
their physician signs a disclaimer to avoid liability issues.

  Maybe there is a piece of the puzzle- a PWP who has developed
contacts inside the FDA, who can find out why it seems that
Madopar  is BLOCKED by the FDA??  Perry Cohen?

And since Madopar is VERY well-known, and I believe
is standard in Europe, why should we American patients
suffer unnecessarily?

Maryse de la France,  Sonya of Denmark, Hans of Netherlands,
and the many Australians and others using or knowing Madopar,
can you help?   My physician will prescribe it for me if we can get
it legally.

I know that there must be thousands of patients who would like
to compare Madopar to Sinemet.


On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 21:52:08 EST [log in to unmask] writes:
> Ivan,
> I have Sinemet kick in about 10-12 actually affects
> my blood
> pressure within about 7 minutes on an empty stomach.  You may just
> have a
> slower reaction with Sinimet....which could also occur with Madopar.
>  Each of
> us is different.
> Rita 56/11