

Doug Brown wrote:
>  I am afraid and feel as though I am losing
> control. I may be losing my job because of my illness. I am a
> Computer Technician and have had several of my customers
> complain that they no longer feel confident in my ability to support
> them. One of them called and complained about my apparent DTs. My children and my wife ask me why I am
> upset and when I say I'm not they say that I always look like I am mad
> or upset and that I never smile any more. I have talked with my Doc
> about this and have started taking anti-depressants and made appt to
> see mental heath consoler. Will see a new Neurologist next month but I
> am afraid that I may lose my job before I get things under control. How
> do I talk with my wife about this she is very supportive, but she seems
> to tune out Well I think we have reached that
> bridge but we are both afraid to set foot on it. Any suggestions,
> advise would be appreciated.

You're geting good advice from other listmembers but I'd like to add
mine: Although authorities generally agree that a sizable portion of
PD patients also suffer clinical depression (CD), my personal experience
and observation is that attending  doctors and neuros don't see the
patient often enough or long enough to recognize that the depression
is merely a part of the "end-of-dose" syndrome in those patients who
have reached the fluctuating stage of PD. In my case the mood swings
are sudden, unpredictable and profound, and the "off" phase may be
quickly and completely reversed simply by taking the next due Sinemet
ahead of time. I too was diagnosed with CD and given both Prozac and
Zoloft, until I decided on my own that they were superfluous. IMHO
it's better to boost the Sinemet intake than to add other drugs with
their inevitable side effects. You should ask your neuro, not your GP,
about that and see if it helps the other end-of-dose effects before
resorting to antidepressants. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013