

New Years Resolutions

This year has hurried along much too fast,
I toasted the new year in with Champagne.
My thoughts in the future I try to cast,
As this year comes to an end once again.
Resolutions I have made one after the other,
A few for each year that has gone by.
This year I will bring a few from undercover,
Will I keep them? at least I will try.
No one knows the efforts that I make,
My resolutions are mainly too bold.
I find that there are too many chances to take,
And resolutions remind me that I am old.
One I will make for all of mankind,
to help them on their way through life.
One I have often on my struggling mind,
I resolve to keep peace no more strife.
I resolve to be more gentle and kind,
To fight my battles one by one in my sweet home.
For resolutions get harder to find,
And I have lost my want this world to roam.

© Bernard Shaw

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