


LEE theirs been lot of talk pro and con. I will try and answer U. R. ?,S  now i am not a doctor or any thing just a guy who has had PD. for 31 years. I worked for my self when told when i had PD. very few ever hurd of it. I wanted to die. as I was a work alhallic. you have what they call a parkie look. no smile. looked if I was mad. I took my wife's hand mirror and grind in to it till it hurt. now i got a little smile. i had to give up my business. it hurt. you will be good days and bad. just give your lover time and talk to your children both of you read some of the things on the list good or bad. thank for your self. do what and when you can, if it right or wrong. you know you done it. we are not dumb it takes us longer now. but still come up whit 2&2=4 NEVER FEEL BAD IF YOU ERROR. chalk it up to the dust a nd let the rain settle it. you are not a lone they say on the LIST  that there is 19000.00 of us to help so any time you need help the old good looking guy is hear. only thing i will not do is to tell the med,s I take. GET YOUR LOVER ON CAMILLA F. CG LIST best of luck

                                                    I.Y.Q. DON  AND VIVIAN

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