

Hi Fran-- Peter took Mirapex for only a few weeks and then switched to
Requip because of a very scary paranoid episode due to too much
dopamine---his then - neuro wouldn't reduce the Sinemet at once, when
starting the agonist ,and he got an overdose.  He does not drive, so did
not have the sudden sleep attacks that some have had while driving--can be
dangerous.  I agree with those who have suggested discussing this AGAIN
with the neuro, and  maybe if you need an agonist one of the others will be
better for you--as you know, PD is definitely a matter of "different
strokes for different folks" !
Remember too that it may take some time for your body to adjust to a new
med, so  some side effects  may diminish with time.

>The Mirapax has tremendous and immediate side effects for me.  I feel very
>weak and sick.  I tried going without it for a day and felt awake and
>alert..but for me the tremors returned especially at night.
>I have been trying to decide what to do and I am holding off making that
>decision until my next visit with my neuro.
>When you stopped taking the Mirapex did you have any symptoms return?

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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