

This got lost when my iMAC froze (maybe it has PD???) but I want to
re-write it, as it is so important,
especially but not only for newer members of PIEN,   On 4/27/00, J.R.
posted in several sections a long and fascinating result of a lot of his
digging .  While he states that it is "only my opinion" and he's not a
doctor, it answers many of the questions we ask of each other on PIEN and
CARE, such as "Is _____ related to my PD?"
Though it will of course be found in the list archives on PIENO, not
everyone has net access, so I wonder if J.R. would consider reposting it?
I've reading it again to Peter, and we are constantly saying, "Yes, yes,
that explains  _______! "  I think it would make a great Christmas gift to
the lists.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

           on the web at
           and also at

               "Ask me about the CARE list for Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "
           And visit the CARE webring at