

hi all

here are some of the details of the problem at MGH:

[i've included a couple of postings by a flesh 'n' blood human]

Subject: What is "Real?"

Subject: What is "Real?"

posted December 11, 2000 12:02 AM
Tell me what the big advantage is for having
multiple login names or multiple personalities? Frankly I just don't
see the advantage and I can see the damage.
We don't allow this in our "real" lives, so why
should it be allowed here where it has caused damage? Why
should this place allow something that we
wouldn't otherwise accept? Especially with it's implications for those
already having a great deal of trouble in there
lives, a lot of which is emotional such as depression.
I see this allowance of multiple user names as
a virtual world trick which is played out on the unwitting.
Again, what is it's advantage to the vast
number of us who never use it?

Subject: What is "Real?"

posted December 11, 2000 02:29 AM
I'm not one of those who can tell when someone
is playing new "personality" so my only choice is to avoid
HELPING people who I guess might be posing as a
different person. Of course I may then fail to help someone
who came here for that purpose and if it
continues I may go away, but from what the rest of you are telling me, I
should learn to live with it.
I don't think so. I would miss the Forums but
why should I spend my time reading and answering messages that
are not real?
And should I stop being concerned about those
who are put off by multiple personality posters? I think not.
I might consider at some point that it is a
waste of what life I have left to worry about someone here playing
games on others for the wrong reasons.
There are always some who want to spoil it for
others. In this case the stakes are pretty high considering the
emotional and physical health nature of these Forums.
For the few people who need to ask a private
question, I don't think this scheme of multiple personality posters
is important enough to keep.
We all have our pseudonyms to protect us
anyway. We chose who to give our real names out to. That should
be enough in my opinion.
On another point, trying to expose a person as
causing trouble due to multiple personalities is a big danger in
itself, so most of us just pull back rather
than getting into provoked flame wars.
Again, the Forums lose either way. This is
still an experiment and may yet fail.
Perhaps the 27,000+ members is not a realistic
number and gives a false impression of what's really going on

Subject: What is "Real?"

Subject: Yoo Who?

Subject: Yoo Who?

janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 SMAIL: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada
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