

Friends--ALL OF YOU---I am near tears as I write this, for I had thought
that the sniping and hatefulness was now behind us.
This Christmas Eve has not been a happy one for Peter and me---his dementia
has been aggravated by the physical discomfort   I have which have made me
less than patient at times.    Many of you CGs will know exactly what I
mean.  Far worse than the prospect of possible surgery for me is the worry
over how to take care of him should this be needed, and you will understand
that, too..
I tucked him in bed just now, with mutually loving apologies, and turned to
the computer for some release and comfort---but  most of what I found here
was not very comforting.
Thanks to those who have tried to calm the atmosphere,  and to those
especially who have overlooked meanness,  deleted what didn't please them,
and made allowances for the fallible humanity of each of us.
I almost felt like saying "Goodbye"---but instead, I'll say "Merry
Christmas", "Happy Hanukkah", a "Joyful Kwanzaa"  ---whatever it takes to
wish you ALL well .

      Camilla Flintermann             <[log in to unmask]>

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        "... Meet people where  they are  now,
                 not where you hope they might be........"
                --Christine Greenland
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