

'Swapping sides' helps stroke recovery

Tuesday, 26 December, 2000, 00:00 GMT - Scans have revealed how the brain
develops previously underused areas to help it repair stroke damage.

A stroke happens when the blood flow to vital brain cells is interrupted
and some die.

The degree of disability suffered by stroke survivors depends on exactly
where in the brain the damage occurs, although doctors are still unsure
about exactly which roles are played by different parts of the brain.

Patients in whom certain parts of the left side of the brain is damaged
often experience problems with speech and language - although many manage
to recover their abilities within six to 12 months.

Now scientists from Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis
may have uncovered just how this recovery is possible, even though dead
brain cells do not regenerate.

Instead, the brain appears to start using the corresponding area on the
other side, or hemisphere, of the brain.

The research project involved using MRI scans to determine which part of
the brain was being employed in different mental tasks.

They identified six stroke patients whose damage was restricted an area of
the left hemisphere called the inferior frontal gyrus.

These patients performed far worse at complex language tasks than healthy

About six months after the stroke, recovery rates had slowed in these
patients and scan images revealed that the area on the right side of the
brain corresponding to the inferior frontal gyrus, while little used in the
healthy volunteers, was heavily used among the stroke patients.

It suggests that language processing is transferred across the brain to
make up for the damage.

Eoin Redahan, from the Stroke Association, said: "We know more about the
surface of the Moon than the brain and these are potentially exciting results.

"The more specific we can be about the affected area of the brain, the more
we can act on it in future.

"We may one day be able to use stem cells to try to restore function in
these areas."

The research is published in the journal Neurology.

Related to this story:
Therapy could help stroke recovery (07 Dec 00 | Health)
Testicle tissue could halt stroke damage (12 Nov 00 | Health)
Vitamin C may protect against stroke (06 Oct 00 | Health)
Cooling stroke patients 'boosts survival' (03 Sep 00 | Health)

Internet links:
Stroke Association

BBC News Online: Health

janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
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