

Hardened arteries 'cause depression'

Wednesday, 20 December, 2000, 00:06 GMT - Depression in later life may be
caused by hardened arteries, researchers have found.

Depression is predicted to become the second leading cause of disability
world-wide by 2020.

Many people believe this is due to the increasingly stressful nature of
modern life.

But researchers from the Institute for the Health of the Elderly at the
University of Newcastle upon Tyne have produced evidence that there may be
a physical explanation for the phenomenon.

They believe depression in later life could be linked to narrowing and
hardening of the arteries which serve the brain.

The researchers carried out post mortem examinations on the brains of 40
people, of which half had suffered at least one major episode of depression.

Depression is very common among people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease
or dementia.

But the researchers found no evidence of either condition in the brain tissue.

However, they did find a lot of evidence of hardening and narrowing in the
blood vessels supplying the brain of those who had suffered depression.


The researchers say that if their findings are confirmed by further studies
then it might be sensible to start to screen older people with depression
for signs of blood vessel damage.

Depression is common after a heart attack or stroke, and previous research
has indicated that depression more than triples the risk of dying within
the subsequent six months after a heart attack.

Lead researcher Dr Alan Thomas told BBC News Online the link could not be
entirely explained by the fact that cardiovascular disease is a depressing
condition from which to suffer.

He said: "There are clear links between depression and such vascular
conditions which go beyond the psychological effects of being ill.

"We believe vascular disease contributes to damage and dysfunction in key
parts of the brain that causes depression in some people."

A British Heart Foundation spokesperson said: "We have known for some time
that a major event such as a heart attack or surgery may lead to depression
and that depressed people are more likely to go on and have a second attack.

"Cardiac rehabilitation programmes are a good way to reduce depression and
improve the patient's chance of a full recovery.

"So far research hasn't been able to explain how or why depression and
heart disease are linked. Perhaps further research will shed light so that
treatments can be developed to reduce the incidence of both."

The research is published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and

Related to this story:
Depression (13 Oct 99 | Health)
Depression may boost heart risk (10 Oct 00 | Health)
Laughter 'protects the heart' (15 Nov 00 | Health)
Anti-depressants 'stimulate cells' (17 Dec 00 | Health)

Internet links:
Depression Alliance
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Institute for the Health of the Elderly

BBC News Online: Health

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