

Friends-- in yesterday's paper there is a report of some research in
Finland that  "offers proof that
wearing external hip protectors  can prevent as many as 80%  of hip
fractures suffered by the elderly."
The New England Journal of Medicine published the study 11/23/00, and
called it a breakthrough in fracture prevention, and notes how serious
these can be.  The protectors tested in Finland "resembled  frisbee-like
discs, that were inserted into the hip pockets of a pair of stretchy
bicycle shorts,were anatomically designed, with hard but lightweight
surface with padding on the inside where it touches the body".

In view of the many falls PWPs can have, I wondered if any had tried these,
or if we have a member of PIEN in Finland who knows about them?  (No Finns
on CARE, as yet.)

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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