

  Rick Hermann <[log in to unmask]> cried:
"I don't think the people on this list (at least not
this one) need someone
out in the ozone answering their questions on how to
live with Parkinson's.
My vision of the list is that we're all in this

This really gets my anger going! Mr. Hermann, whoever
you are, do you realize the good that Sandra Norris has
done for the PWP community? If, as you say, "...that
we're all in this together," then why don't YOU act
like it! She was expressing her feelings, something we
all share.

You are wrong. People on this list DO need someone
answering their questions. That's exactly what this
list is for. It is NOT here so you and others like you
can build your own egos by putting other people down.

First the "Shut UP!" by a misdirected soul, now this?
The last little tiff about jokes almost killed this
list. Telling people to "shut up" and calling others
"out in the ozone" can be the effective death of what
was once a wonderful collection of warm, sincere PWP's
who were here to help others. Not anymore. The post
have dwindled to nothing, the feeling level is zip and
now its come to the point that no one seems to care.

Damn, this makes me sick.

Rick, you own Sandra an apology. She is a perfect
example of a community oriented, outward reaching PWP.
She actually HELPS people, something I haven't seen you
do. In fact, you own ALL OF US an apology. That was
flat out WRONG.

Or maybe not. Maybe your idea of fun is to destroy this
list. Is that it? If that's the case then - good job.
You should be, and probably are, proud of yourself.

(The next three paragraphs have been deleted. I think
by now everyone gets my drift.)


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