

Janet, thank you for passing on information that will make me and many others
happier today. I could never understand how something that is so pleasureable
and delicious could be harmful to our health!  I have my own theory: Heart
disease is exacerbated (love that word, wish I knew what it meant!) by
intense concern over tryglycrides, cholesterol, fat content, calories and and
especially aimless intense excercise! I have done a scientific study, and my
research has proven that eventually people who have never had one morsel of
chocolate will die anyway!  Further study, which involves reading the death
notices in the local newspaper every day, is that NO ONE, at least no one in
my area, has EVER died from "EATING CHOCOLATE"!!!
Ken B (Holiday Gift Baskets usually contain the miminum daily requirment of
chocolate! (at least 8 ounces!) )