

It makes you wonder

Two nueros' have told me that
selegilene works in only 10-15%
of all parkinsons patients
therefore since it only works for
a limited number of parkies
one might ponder that since
it isn't that effective
that it probably doesn't
increase any rate
either positively or negatively
on the grand scale of things.

If this is true then and I
have no reason to question nueros'
statements other than by my personal
and they are probably speaking
from both their experiences
of medical information and
from the indidvidual patients
they have worked with
it makes u really wonder how many are
on this drug and kept on this drug
that does not help the
indivdual at all
and continue to be on it
under some perceived
medical or physcological benefit?

I guess the good thing
it keeps 15% of the parkies
who receive a benefit healthy
for longer priod of time
and helps the drug companies
maintian an 85% healthy profit
the rest of the time.

Don 52/4 PD+

> Selegiline has been used as a treatment for Parkinson's for nearly 25
> years, but excitement about the drug peaked in the mid-1980s when
> research suggested that it may have neuroprotective effects, thereby
> slowing the effects of the disease on the brain. But a later study raised
> doubts about that theory.
> "The debate has been whether selegiline actually affects the
> progression of the disease or whether it just affects the symptoms,"
> Langston said. "While proving that selegiline -- or any anti-parkinsonian
> drug -- is neuroprotective remains beyond our technical grasp, this
> study shows us that at the very least treating patients with selegiline
> and levodopa is not a bad thing, and in fact may be a very good thing."