


First come the ads,
earlier each year
Even before Thanksgiving
Christmas ads appear.
As time gets closer to the day of Christ's birth
the glitz and glitter get brighter
 with laugh tracks adding mirth
but money is so tight, with bills so high,
I see lots of gifts I'd love to buy
but just pass on with a sigh
With all form of media
We're bombarded with flyers
to the point you feel guilty
If you aren't a good buyer.
Personally I wonder
if in this commercial rush
Is the true meaning of Christmas
being left in the dust?
What about the Christ child
who was sent here for me?
Who died for my sins
that I might live free.
How does God feel
About the killing of His son?
Does He ever wonder if this sacrifice
was in vain, now that it's done?
As a big buyer, I know I'm a dud
But I try to make my actions
Pleasing to the one above.
I don't begrudge other shoppers
buying gifts galore
But I hope they spend a little
to pray a little bit more.
So enjoy this Holiday Season
With family and friends
But remember, it's Jesuss' birthday
He who died for all our sins,
Celebrate the season
With good deeds and more
Give thanks to your God
and let prayers of gratitude
From your heart and lips soar.

bob armentrout 2000