

Dear Margaret & Jim,

Best of luck on your dbs procedures.  My husband had his first dbs performed
in November of 1999 and his second side in October of this year. He has
greatly reduced his medications from  about 25 meds a day taken 7 x a day
(mirapex, tasmar, sinemet and sinemet CR to 4 times a day with  many of the
doses greatly reduced (he just was taken off mirapex). His first dbs,  we
found out, greatly improved his symptoms because his stimulator was recently
taken off and after about an hour he was nearly paralyzed, had slurred
speech, trouble breathing, etc. He just had the new stimulator zapped up to 3
volts a couple of weeks ago so that conconmitant with the med adjustments is
hard to tell what is going on.

He is 73 years old was diagnosed in 1987 and I might say although he has
always been an "absent minded" professor, it seems that his memory has been
affected. But as we all know Parkinson's symptoms, and it appears, the dbs
procedure affects people differently.

Just a note, you may want to have your medication regime written down for
oftentimes the nurses get the regime wrong. It will greatly take a lot of
stress  and confusion out of the situation.

Take care and happy days to you this New Year.
