

First, get the book back.  Then, time any Sinemet to be ingested no less
than 1/2 hr. before or no less than 1 hr after meals; this is to minimize
any  proteins that metabolize into  amino acids to interfere with or swamp
out l-dopa which is an amino acid too.
Good luck

-- Michel Margosis
      'Carpe Diem'

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Legan" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 9:03 AM
Subject: Protein & Sinemet

> I take one Sinemet l0/l00 every 2 hrs.  This seems to suit me best.  I am
> wondering
> in general how you folks handle protein.  I've heard that sometimes it is
> taken mostly with the evening meal.  Sometimes other ways.  I'm having a
> time trying to keep to a balanced & interesting & EASY diet while keeping
> protein low.  I had Katherine's book buy lent it out & it disappeared.  I
> would appreciate any suggestions.
> MDawn