

Sandy's Parkie Porch!


Glad to have you come and sit with me for a spell. My name is Sandy Norris.
I am also known as "sandyofnc" and "sassyplwp". I am 40 years old and I am a
person living with Parkinson’s Disease (Pd). My neurologists have labeled it
"young-onset" or more precisely Juvenile-parkinson’s. I have had Pd since
the age of 20. To the best of my knowledge, I am one of the youngest to have
lived with Pd for the amount of time that I have. I "actively-choose" to
live my life as positively as I can. It has been an ongoing prayer of mine
that God would use me in such a way as to "give back" and to "benefit" the
Pd community. Hence, Brenda and Nan have been the deliverers of this
answered prayer. Thank you Brenda and Nan! Over the course of twenty years I
have gained insight pertaining to the "living" with Parkinson’s Disease. I
would like to offer my "open heart" to you in hopes of possibly helping you
live with Pd. Our Pd community is growing in number! Our voices need to be
heard! If you have something you are dealing with or you just would like to
know how I cope with Pd please know I am here to try and help. Write your
question or your need in the space provided and I will get back to you.
Remember we are all in this fight together. I feel blessed to be a part of


Come on in and sit a spell!  If you have any questions about living with
Parkinson's, I may have had  an experience or two that might just help you.
Write your questions in the box below and I'll see what I can do!
 Archives:  NOV2000    DEC200
You'll find your questions and my answers below the box.       0

After you submit your comments, you will need to reload this page with your
browser in order to see your additions to the log.


Your questions and Sandy's reponses can be viewed below:
Hi Sandy,

Here's the answer to one of your prayers.

Love and hope, Brenda and Nan


Remote User:


Remote User:
You should move rather smoothly today. We archived you last night Sandy. If
you'll look just above the entry screen, you'll find your archives. Have a
great day. Bren


Remote User:
Just checking to see if we're still working. By the way, Sandy's words of
wisdom are above the entry screen. Just clik on NOV2000. Thanks and GOOD


Remote User:
Wow Brenda...Gee the page looks so grand. You are a sweetheart. You have
been a busy girl. I hope all is going well with you my friend. Thank you
from my heart for all that you and Nan do for us here at PLWP! Love, Sandy


Remote User:
Hi Sandy! Your site looks really great! Hope you are having a "sunny" day!
Love - Peg (tnpeg aka pegleg)


Remote User:
Hello Peg,

How wonderful to see you. I can always count on a positive comment from you
Peg. Thanks. I am beginning to have a better day. Much love and hope...sandy


Remote User:
A Bike Ride At first I saw God as my observer, my judge keeping track of
what I did. I recognized His picture, but really didn't know Him. But later
on when I met Christ, it seemed as though life were rather like a bike
ride..but it was tandem bike, and I noticed that Christ was in the back
helping me to pedal. I don't know just when it happened that He suggested we
change places, but life has not been the same since. Apostolic life, that
is. Christ makes life exciting.

When I had the control, I knew the way. It was rather boring, but was the shortest distance between two points. But when He
took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains and through rocky
places and at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hold on! Even
though it looked like madness, He said, "pedal."

I was worried and anxious and asked: "Where are You taking me?" He laughed
and didn't answer and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life
and entered the adventure. And when I'd say "I'm scared," He'd lean back and
touch my hand.

He took me to people with gifts that I needed, gifts of healing, acceptance
and joy. They gave me their gifts to take on my journey, our journey, my
Lord's and mine, and we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away,
they're extra baggage, too much weight."

So I did to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and
still our burden was light. I did not trust Him at first, in control of my
life. I thought He would wreck it. But he knows bike secrets, knows how to
make it bend to take sharp corners, jump to clear high rocks, fly to shorten
scary passages.

I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places and I am
beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face, with my
delightful constant companion, Christ. And when I am sure I just can't do
any more, He just smiles and says: "Pedal."

-source unknown-


Remote User:


Remote User:
Hey sandy,

Heres your mom. she wont talk, just said to say that she saw your sight.
love you and come over.


Remote User:
Thank you mama and Julia....have fun the four of you


Remote User:
The new updates to the site are great sandy! Archiving and picture are real
nice changes. Thanks to Brenda and Nan, I assume. Keep doing your thing, it
it so helpful to so many people. In support! Ryan


Remote User:
Thank you from my heart Ryan. Your kind and supportive words help build a
bridge across the miles that separate us. Much love and hope, Sandy


Remote User:
Muhammad Ali once said "The man who views the world at fifty the same as he
did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life."

Over the years since having Pd, my way of viewing the world has changed. I
do not take life for granted anymore. I try to be more patient with others.
I try to look at the blessings in my life instead of the faults. My
priorities have also changed. No longer does a spotless and clutter-free
home come first. No longer do my wants come before other's needs. No longer
do I rush into being angry or selfish. The pd brings enough ugliness to my

After a phone call that I received from my Dad this morning my viewpoint on
life has taken on a new twist. Once again God has shown his wonderful grace
and mercy through his loving and protective hand.

My parents' home was broken into last night. Last night my Dad called and
asked if I was okay, almost as if knowing his children were safe would bring
a normalcy to the situation. This did not puzzle me for we had some pretty
intense storms last night. I went off to bed not thinking another thought.
At 8:00 am Dad calls and informs me of the robbery. I am thankful that Mama
and Daddy were not home at the time of the break-in. I am thankful I changed
my mind last night about going over to my parents' to view a video. I am
thankful that I can still wake up in the safety of my home. It will be
awhile before my parents will ever feel safe. They have been violated
against their will. This has been a very upsetting and stressful day so far.
I am about to go over to my parents' home to spend some time with them and
try to ease all of our concerns.

Have you counted your blessings today? Is it of the utmost importance to
have your own way today? Can you lay down in your bed tonight and feel safe?
Please reach out today and touch someone's life. Try to make a difference
because we are only promised today. Much love and hope ...Sandy


Remote User:
Balance problems getting worse - utilizing AFO's which help immensley -
would like to talk to or hear from someone whose primary parkinsons is a
balance problem


Remote User:
Addressing the balance problem....I had difficulty with balance,
bradykinesia (slowness of movement), tremor, and rigidity before medications
were prescribed. Since I have been on a good scheduling of medicines balance
is not so much of a problem. You may want to post your question on the MGH
forum found at....

I hope this helps. I also encourage anyone else that has any experience with
balance difficulties to feel free to post here. Much love and hope...sandy


Remote User:
By mere accident I opened Brenda's Yahoo profile and noticed her association
with technology so it occured to me that I might get some ideas from her on
web site building. She answered some of my questions and I really
appreciated it a lot and she mentioned this PLWP web site. I got touched
when I browsed through this page and meditated and prayed that everyone
affected by PD is guided and taken cared off by our Lord.


Remote User:
Sandy- I cannot understand why thieves feel they have the right to take what
others have worked so hrd for!! Prayers of comfort for your parents. Peggy


Remote User:
My husband has had Parkinson's for the past 10 years. He is currently 60
years old. At times it is very difficult for him because he has given up
because he feels that he cannot do anything any longer. He currently sleeps
about 20 hours each day. He takes Prozac for the depression but I really
don't see any results from taking these medication. At times I feel I am at
my wits end just trying to keep him up. I know that this disease does cause
depression, but before he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. he was a manic

I would just like to know, what I might do to get him interested in life
again. Our grandchildren come over, and he finds that they make him nervous,
so he goes to his room and sleeps. He very seldoms leaves the house to go
any where.

I would appreciate any comments that you could give me to pass on to him
that would change his thinking and possibly his life.

Thanks so much for taking time to help others.



Remote User:
Dear Judy,

I am sorry to hear your husband is having a tough time. Let me first advise
you to call your husband's doctor and express your concerns to him. Before
you call his doctor you may want to have your concerns listed on paper so as
not to forget anything. Sleeping 20 hours a day is too much. I think this is
an issue that your husband and his doctor should address. You are doing the
right things as far as trying to encourage him. I know you are getting
discouraged because of your love for him. By you talking to his doctor it
may help you as well. Have you considered support groups? What are some of
your husbands interests? Try suggesting them in little amounts at a time. I
will be remembering you and your husband...please do not give up...please
come back to the porch...have you joined plwp? much love and hope...sandy


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God believes in me; therefore my situation is never hopeless. God walks with
me; therefore I am never alone. God is on my side; therefore I can never

Copied from "LETTING GOD"


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When troubles seem to weigh you down....and skies are seldom blue....there
is no use in grumbling....for growling hampers you....two wrongs will never
make a why should you complain....when skies are blue there's
little use in filling them with rain....In place of frowning, try to smile,
instead of grieving, pray...and you will find the clouds will lift and
slowly fade away. For faith can work great miracles...that is, if it is thing of which I'm very sure, faith never fosters
wrong....though this is true, folks often fail to use this force for good.
They move along life's stormy sea like stacks of drifting wood. And so I
write this bit of verse in effort to ignite the spark of faith in those
oppressed that says hold on hold tight.



Remote User:

I have to live with myself, and so I want to be fit for myself to know. I
want to be able, as days go by, Always to look myself straight in the eye.

I don't want to stand with the setting sun, And hate myself for things I've
done. I want to go out with my head erect, I want to deserve all men's
respect. For here in the struggle for fame and self... I want to be able to
like myself.

I don't want to look at myself and know I'm bluster, a bluff an empty show.
I never can hide myself from me; I see what others may never see. I know
what others may never know, I can never fool myself, and so, whatever
happens, I want to be Self-respecting and conscience-free.



Remote User:
Sandy, I to was diagnosed early at 32, am now 47


Remote User:
Sandy, I to was diagnosed early at 32, am now 47


Remote User:
Diagnosed at 32? How are you doing in your 15th year? If you reply please
leave your name. I would be interested in how you are doing. Thanks so much
for stopping by the "porch". May you have a Blessed Christmas. Much love and


Remote User:
The Tug-of-War is on. I am finding myself pushing and pulling at my emotions
today. Or should I say that the Pd is doing the pushing and the pulling.
Tonight and to be honest, most of the day I have been in a battle of wills.
The overwhelming pain this evening is trying to get me to succumb to
self-pity. The Spirit that lives within me is rising up and reaching out for
the strength to triumph in this fight for self-preservation. Pain can be a
wicked thing. A dark, black place, that wishes to consume my will, my mind.
I am struggling to preserve my mental strength. I am struggling to preserve
the healthiness that still resides in my body. I will not relinquish my
fortitude. Self-pity can be just as wicked as pain. As the tears, the
healing tears flow again this evening, I will make the active choice to
think of more positive thoughts. Being involved with other plwps helps.
Identifying with your pain and anguish strengthens my compassion for others.
This suffering, this pain, acts as a nutrient, a fertilizer, to enable the
compassion to well up within me in eagerness to pour forth a kinship that
can relate without even speaking words aloud. Courage can be born from
adversity. It can only benefit the soul to strive to see the beauty in this
ugly war. Beauty in pain? Beauty in crying aloud? Beauty in my body being
twisted with dyskinesia? When I am suffering the most, it is then that God
brings to me the thought of a beautiful field of flowers, the vision of the
way the sun sets on the ocean. When I cry out in pain, it is then that God
speaks to my heart saying, "I am here my child; you are not alone." When I
feel the dyskinesia is at its ugliest, I am reminded that it is not our
outward appearance that touches the heart of God. What is important is what
the pain causes to pour forth from my heart. I heard on the national news of
a "miracle baby" in Kentucky. A pregnant woman was involved in a violent
automobile accident. Her unborn child was literally ripped from her body
with the umbilical chord intact. The baby is still alive. Imagine that
mother's pain. God allowed her pain to be transformed into the beauty of
life. I wish to leave you with the admiration in my heart and compassion in
my heart for all of you. I admire each one of you that are still putting one
foot in front of the other. I admire each one of you that reach out; because
it is in the reaching out that makes us strong. It takes more strength and
courage to reach toward something or someone instead of sitting idle in
self-pity. When your tears fall may they be caught by the hand of a loving
friend and put into a well that a rainbow can be seen over. Much love and

Sandy Norris 40/28/20 check my new site..
"Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see."