

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        51/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses      25 ?     deg. F   :-)

Dear friends,

There are instances long after the time
when most people are asleep, very late at night,
when I find myself too tired to go to
the computer, and when I need
someone to talk to on the TELEPHONE.

Locally, we have a  24 hr suicide-prevention
hotline, but no PD-patients' open line,
for talking when one needs a friend,
and is a little worn out, but NOT suicidal.

I am sometimes too tired to
turn pages.  I keep a Bible nearby,
and a book of ancient Chinese poems,
When I am troubled, it would be
 a relief to be able to have a
"phone friend."

Camilla, would you please send that
message to the PD Caregiver's List??

There must be many others who have the
same need.

Please e-mail privately. or post to this
List,  on this topic.

Thank you.
