

hi all

At 23:30 2000/12/29 -0500, barb wrote:
>Hi, folks....who let the cat out of the bag?  I was in the
>process of forming a committee (so far John Cottingham and
>Camilla Flintermann..and yes it is the real JC...I spoke to
>him on the telephone and there is no disguising that Oklahoma
>accent) in order to create some order of the chaos that the
>list has been experiencing lately.  In reviewing how similar
>lists operate, we decided to follow the example of "The List
>Charter'.  This document sets out in black and white (or white
>on blue in my case) what the goals of the list are, what the
>rights and responsibilities of the members and listowner are,
>the basic rules of netiquette and the consequences of breaking
>the rules.  I had hoped that it would never come to this but....
>A prime example of the need for this occurred this evening.
>There were 9 messages, 5 from one person (who has apparently
>started her own pd list) and the topic of these 9 messages
>had nothing to do with pd.  All of the discussion could have
taken place off the list therebye not taking up the time and
>energy of 1900 other members.
>With a list charter available to us all, perhaps we will be
>able to use this gift from the University of Toronto to the
>benefit of us all.  I hope you will be patient with us until
>we get all the kinks out of it.
>Thank you for your cooperation in this and I hope you all
>have a happy, safe and healthy new year.

hi barb

i am thrilled
to hear that the disturbances and negative personal attacks
on the list over the past several months may be coming to an end
so that we can get back to fighting our common enemy

if you are referring to my messages yesterday,
let the record show:

QT: soul
Re: Voices from the Past: Charlie Meyer
list gods minding OUR own business
Re: Janet / voices from the past
Re: NonPD: Major Virginia snow alert
Re: Janet / voices from the past / ps
Re: Janet / voices from the past
Re: Voices from the Past: Charlie Meyer
Re: the open directory project (not!!)
Re: Janet / voices from the past
Re: Janet / voices from the past
Re: Voices from the Past: Charlie Meyer
Re: DBS Candidate Update
NEWS: BBC: Serious business makes people laugh

that over half of my messages were in response
to questions directed at me by other list members
and were directly related to these problems on the list

you asked for suggestions some time ago:
i vote for an option of parkie members
[as opposed to non-parkies and care-givers]
having a double allowance of message posting "quota"

in re pd lists
i now own four lists of varying types and activity level at
[much fewer than simon coles, for example]

i trust that such extra-curricular ownership
will not be construed as being against the new rules
are we not fighting pd ?

i look forward to reviewing the rules of the new charter
and joining with all of our parkie cyber-siblings in following the guidelines


janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
TEL: 613 256 8340 SMAIL: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada
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