

Friends-- May I again recommend the excellent book "Eat well, Stay well
with Parkinsons" by our member Kathrynne Holden?  It is available in the
full version from her and also in a free condensed version from the
National Parkinsons Foundation.  It gives a clear explanation of why
protein IS important, as Elton just asked. (Briefly, it competes with the
meds for dopamine receptors in the small intestine.)

I  showed the book to a fellow resident of our retirement community , a
woman who has retired from teaching nutrition and biochemistry at U. of
California, Berkeley.  She found it to be clear, well expressed, and
accurate, very well written and useful.  Liked the menus and recipes, too.
(We knew that, but it's nice to have "professional" confirmation.     8--)

Call NPF at  1-800-327-4545  to get this and other excellent free booklets
in their series.  You can reach Kathrynne at
<[log in to unmask]>

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

           on the web at
           and also at

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           And visit the CARE webring at