

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        51/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       25    deg. F   :-)
Last night ,  did MJFox acknowledge
that despite thalamotomy surgery,
he is not much better?  He apparently
entered an off-period on-camera and had
to rush off the stage  to take more of
the medicines, I am told (I did not
see the 20/20 show myself) he had
dyskinesia and a slurring voice.
Is this true??

One of my personal care attendants
called me last night, and said that
Michael said that without  medications,
he would hardly function.

My response was  calling the
local ABC affiliate, and attempting
to interest the  station in a
"local angle" story  about we
in Maine who have either openly
or secretly tried to face Younger  Onset PD daily.

The reporter said it's a good
idea for a story! That made me
feel encouraged. In my humble
estimation, it REALLY matters if you
can achieve acceptance and positive
self-esteem .

 I feel that WE THE PWP's
can make a difference.  Michael
is brave.  He certainly makes my life
much more possible, due to his amazing courage.

Ivan  :-)