greetings Listfolk.
I want to relate a cool story unfolding here.
I live on the us virgin island of st john
mjfox comes here every so often for vacation.  as some of you may know he made his decision to leave spin city while snorkeling here I think it was 2 years ago.  any ways my best friend was in town tonight at a local restaurant and literally ran into mj, she was waving her arms around telling a story and whacked mj in the arm as he walked by.  she apologized profusely and that was it, she left shortly afterwards.  
halfway in her drive home, she stopped and said to herself, "I have to go tell this man about Lisa and how much she appreciates the work that he is doing for pd..".and what a incredible spirit both he and I have and so on about our strength in dealing with  our pd.  she wrote him my name and told him I am an artist with an art gallery here, and that if he was in the area to stop by.
she thanked him for all the work he has done and told him what an inspiration I was to her and many others.
she then drove back to town and gave the note to his waitress, (who knows me and my work) and agreed it wouldn't be too invasive to give the note to Michael..... so we shall see what happens. If he comes out to my gallery to visit.
It's kinda funny cuz two years ago when  I heard that he came to st john, I tried to contact him via e-mail, basically thanking him and telling him that I live here, should he ever return, to say hello and thank him in person.  Show him some island hospitality.... but the e-mail address was bogus and he never got it.
so there;s my exciting story. I'll let y'all know what happens.
Lisa in paradise
st john usvi
42/dx 92/pd 8 years