I welcome a list Charter.  Especially in the "developing hands" of kind, nurturing people like Camilla, Barbara, & John.  I have used & developed "Guidelines" in my work with Youth to help keep things from getting too far a drift.  Using terms like "list police" show me that some take this pretty hard.  Please, lets give it a try.  It may not be so bad as some of us fear. (Besides I like most Cops)
I was surfing the archives last night for info............ I was surprised with what I found.  Over half of the results I got from my search (PSP related) were over the last 5 months & had NOTHING to do with PD, or PSP..... just the words were "dropped"  PD/PSP in it, but in no way in any relevant reference to it. (see for yourselves)  Those that do the free "labor of love" developing, maintaining, & improving the list have earned the right to make some basic request for discretion don't they?
Hang in there list family..... we may make it after all!
David Meigs  [log in to unmask]
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