

Yesterday, I passed out (voices sounded hollow and
distant immediately before, profuse sweating on
waking up.) Trip to ER followed - EKG and heart
enzymes ruled out heart attack, CT scan was normal.
I've been on Mirapex (.75 mg x 3/day) for about
four months; possibly on Riluzole (FDA clinical trial)
about ten months.  The ER doctor contacted my
neurologist, who said to just continue on the
medication, to go back to ER if another episode
occurs, and to check back in with him Tuesday.
(I've been diagnosed with Parkinsons' for a little
over a year).

Since I've read about sudden sleep attacks being
a side effect of Mirapex, I was wondering if anyone
else who has had the sudden sleep attacks could
describe what they were like.  I wonder if my
episode was "passing out" or a sudden sleep attack.
Also, did your sudden sleep attacks occur immediately
after you started Mirapex or did it happen after you'd
been on the drug for a period of time?  Does
anyone know if "passing out" can be a side effect
of Mirapex or Riluzole?  Any other comments welcome.

Thank you.

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