

To the List,
In 1997 during the PAN conference in Washington several of us visited Sen.
John Ashcroft's office in an unsuccessful attempt to enlist him as a
co-sponsor of the Udall bill.  We were told by his legislative aide that he
did not support earmarked funds, and we pointed out that research funds have
always been earmarked for specific diseases.  On June 6, 1997 the Senator
wrote to Vernice Roberts, an advocate, "Given my prolife position, I am
troubled that fetal tissue research is being used to find a cure for
Parkinson Disease, and I will have to consider carefully any legislation
that promotes or allows fetal tissue research."  Today, Gov. Bush said that
Sen. Ashcroft will not politicize issues and will uphold the law but we know
that Presidents Reagan and Bush declared a moratorium on government funded
fetal tissue research, which was reversed by Pres. Clinton.

Now, three years later, we read regularly of scientists having great
optimism re stem cell research and I am concerned that the incoming
president and Sen. Ashcroft, if confirmed, will support those who oppose
this research.  I think it's important to know Ashcroft's position.  If you
agree, let your senators know of your concern.

Best wishes for a really good 2001.
Dolores Gross