

Nancy, you hit the nail on the head.  YOU AND i AND OHERS
worth re-telling.

 So what do we do?...form groups
and seek congregate housing or group housing,
with other Young Onset Parkinsonians?  Do we
settle for "adult day care?"  Do we push to create
young-onset PD-related adult day care or exercise,
therapy, educational and entertainment groups?

I wonder if younger PWP's have banded together
in ANY country  or state, to create small communities
which include PWP's and care providers, and
that makes sense.

And how do we arrange for those of us who need
more care at night , but want to avoid a nursing home,
like me, watching the calendar before I have a
neurosurgery evaluation (for me, it is on Jan 10)?

My caregiver tonight is out at the BARS drinking,
although he was supposed to be here 2 hours ago....
THis behavior is certainly due to the State paying
 $15.00 for the whole night .

 I have had to transfer my potential day coverage, on the payment
request  sheets that are co-signed,  to the nighttime ,
so that each night worker's check is greater. THe Alpha ONe
administrators suggested that to me. THen I do as well as I
can during the day, a strategy that is not win-win.

I suspect that they are cutting my PCA hours to
 to retaliate for my being vocal  and persisitent about changing
the night rate of pay , up to a minimum of $90.00.

My neurologist's request for night-care, which is
going in  tomorrow morning,  bfor night help from
a qualified CNA, HHA, or PCA, may trigger
the loss most of most  of my daytime PCA hours.

Ivan :-)

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 17:41:11 -0500 nancy <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Afternoon.
> Waiver medicaid program in Ohio is for.... (CUT)