

> I wonder if younger PWP's have banded together
> in ANY country  or state, to create small communities
> which include PWP's and care providers, and
> that makes sense.

Cuts in Medicare are making extended care for anyone a quagmire of
difficulty.  One of our relatives has run a very successful Home Health Care
agency for years.  Her operation was efficient, effective and large -
Medicare auditors disallowed generous benefits payments to her employees
this past year (even though audits over the past 12 years allowed them)
causing her to practically lose her business.  She is appealing to a
Medicare court, and a class action suit is being constructed by lawyers
representing other Home Health Care Agencies in area who have suffered the
same insult, but the appeal will take 2 years.  In the meantime, she has to
try to keep her agency afloat.  What is lost in the mix of this government
fiasco is the patient needing home health care.  As the agencies dwindle
because of increased government regulations, fewer options for home health
care are available.  That means fewer options for folks who have PD as well.
> My caregiver tonight is out at the BARS drinking,
> although he was supposed to be here 2 hours ago....
> THis behavior is certainly due to the State paying
>  $15.00 for the whole night .

We are in the midst of the greatest employment boom in history.  In Michigan
we have a 3 % umemployment rate - which means that even when employees are
paid $8/hour, responsible individuals cannot be found.  They fall into the
category of your caregiver, I'm afraid.

Hang in there, Ivan.  I pray that you find a satisfactory solution to this
problem.  In the meantime, I'm going to forward the posts regarding this
issue to our Home Health Care relative.  She might have some suggestions.
The problem is vast in scope.
God bless
Mary Ann (CG Jamie 21/61)