

Thank you to Dr. Meyer and to Linda Herman--I've lost her e-mail address--for
the information on Gov. Tommy Thompson's support of stem cell research.  I
heard on the evening news today on channel 26 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, for
whatever this is worth, that Thompson's staff anticipated "smooth sailing"
for the nomination and that there were no senator votes known to be against
Thompson's nomination for Secretary of the HHS.  Amazing!  I now find myself
having to reconfigure my view of this man because stem cell research is so
important to us.  I was a state employee for nine-plus years during his
tenure as governor, during his totally heartless budgetcutting years.  I
would just caution that Gov. Thompson is a real maverick, which actually
could be a real benefit re: the stem cell research, and I would also caution
that if he supports something, even if he really, really, really likes
something,  that does not mean that he will recommend or continue funding for
that item.  And, of course, funding is the key.

 Dr. Meyer and Ms. Herman have brought us good news, and we will know soon
what will happen to Gov. Thompson's nomination.

If Gov. Thompson of Wisconsin becomes the Secretary of  HHS, he will follow
Donna Shalala, who was the head, I don't remember her title, of the
University of Wisconsin when she was nominated by President Clinton, and
later approved, as Secretary of HHS.  Does this indicate any kind of
expertize or experience with HHS matters in Wisconsin?--certainly not.

Dr. Meyer, it is really cold up here and we have had lots of snow, and we
have lots of snow on the ground because it has been too cold for the snow to
melt.  I think that you have had about the same in Madison.  How goes it in
the southern part of the state?  Do you have a heat wave?  You know, anything
above 0 degrees?