

(from the statuesque frozen depths of the dreaded hormone-zone)

January 2, 2001

A CONVERSATION WITH / Anne Fausto-Sterling

Exploring What Makes Us Male or Female

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — On a recent frozen winter evening, Dr. Anne
Fausto-Sterling, 56, a professor of biology and women's studies at Brown,
sat in a restaurant here, nibbling on a light snack and talking about her
favorite subject: the application of ideas about gender roles to the formal
study of biology.

In the academic world, Dr. Fausto-Sterling is known as a developmental
biologist who offers interesting counterpoints to the view that the role
division between men and women is largely predetermined by evolution.

"When people say `it's nurture' or `it's nature' in making us male or
female, I take the middle ground and say that it's a combination of both,"
she said.

"That's not a popular position to take in today's academic environment, but
it is the one that makes the most sense."

Her 1985 book, "Myths of Gender: Biological Theories About Women and Men,"
is used in women's studies courses throughout the country.

Dr. Fausto-Sterling's newest work, "Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and
the Construction of Sexuality," is a look at societal ideas about gender as
seen through the eyes of human beings defined as neither male or female —

Until 1980, she studied the role of genes in the embryological development
of fruit flies. More recently, she has investigated the developmental
ecology of flatworms.

Q. What can we learn about gender from examining how the medical profession
treats infants born with ambiguous genitalia? These are children who were
once called "hermaphrodites," and whom you would prefer we term

A. From them, we can literally see how society's ideas about male and
female are constructed. When infants with ambiguous genitalia are born,
everyone — parents, doctors — are very upset and the physicians often
suggest drastic surgeries to assign a specific gender to the child.

The regimen usually involves the doctors' deciding what sex the child ought
to be. Then, they surgically reconstruct the patient to conform to that
diagnosis: body parts are taken out, others are added, hormones are given,
or taken away.

In the end, the doctors take a body that was clearly neither male or female
and turn it into one they can represent to the world as "male" or "female."

Q. How did the fate of intersexual children become your passion?

A. In the early 1990's, I began looking into this because I was interested
in a theoretical question that was circulating around feminist studies at
that time; I wanted to know, What is meant when we say, "the body is a
social construction"?

At the time, social scientists were looking into how our ideas about the
human body were shaped by politics and culture. That inquiry led me to a
lot of the medical literature on intersexuality.

Q. How many people do you estimate are born intersexuals?

A. It depends on how you count. Working with Brown undergraduates, I did
some research and we found that maybe 1 1/2 to 2 percent of all births do
not fall strictly within the tight definition of all-male or all- female,
even if the child looks that way. Beyond having a mixed set of genitals,
you could have an individual with an extra Y chromosome.

He'd still look like a standard male, but he'd have this extra chromosome.
Or you could have someone who was XO, a female with underdeveloped ovaries,
known medically as having Turner's syndrome.

My point is that there's greater human variation than supposed. My
political point is that we can afford to lighten up about what it means to
be male or female. We should definitely lighten up on those who fall in
between because there are a lot of them.

Q. You want a halt to sexual assignment surgeries on infants. Why?

A. People deserve to have a choice about something as important as that.
Infants can't make choices. And the doctors often guess wrong.

They might say, "We think this infant should be a female because the sexual
organ it has is small." Then, they go and remove the penis and the testes.
Years later, the kid says, "I'm a boy, and that's what I want to be, and I
don't want to take estrogen, and by the way, give me back my penis."

I feel we should let the kids tell us what they think is right once they
are old enough to know.
Till then, parents can talk to the kids in a way that gives them permission
to be different, they can give the child a gender-neutral name, they can do
a provisional gender assignment.

Of course, there are some cases where infants are born with
life-threatening malformations. In those rare situations, surgery is called

Q. In "Sexing the Body," you suggest that estrogen and testosterone should
not be termed sex hormones. You'd prefer we called them growth hormones. Why?

A. The molecules we call sex hormones affect our liver, our muscles, our
bones, virtually every tissue in the body.

In addition to their roles in our reproductive system, they affect growth
and development throughout life. So to think of them as growth hormones,
which they are, is to stop worrying that men have a lot of testosterone and
women, estrogen.

Q. Among gay people, there is a tendency to embrace a genetic explanation
of homosexuality. Why is that?

A. It's a popular idea with gay men. Less so with gay women. That may be
because the genesis of homosexuality appears to be different for men than

I think gay men also face a particularly difficult psychological situation
because they are seen as embracing something hated in our culture — the
feminine — and so they'd better come up with a good reason for what they
are doing.

Gay women, on the other hand, are seen as, rightly or wrongly, embracing
something our culture values highly — masculinity.

Now that whole analysis that gay men are feminine and gay women are
masculine is itself open to big question, but it provides a cop-out and an
area of relief. You know, "It's not my fault, you have to love me anyway."

It provides the disapproving relatives with an excuse: "It's not my fault,
I didn't raise 'em wrong."

It provides a legal argument that is, at the moment, actually having some
sway in court.

For me, it's a very shaky place. It's bad science and bad politics. It
seems to me that the way we consider homosexuality in our culture is an
ethical and a moral question.

The biology here is poorly understood.

The best controlled studies performed to measure genetic contributions to
homosexuality say that 50 percent of what goes into making a person
homosexual is genetic.

That means 50 percent is not.

And while everyone is very excited about genes, we are clueless about the
equally important nongenetic contributions.

Q. Why do you suppose lesbians have been less accepting than gay men about
genetics as the explanation for homosexuality?

A. I think most lesbians have more of a sense of the cultural component in
making us who we are. If you look at many lesbians' life histories, you
will often find extensive heterosexual experiences. They often feel they've
made a choice.

I also think lesbians face something that males don't: at the end of the
day, they still have to be women in a world run by men. All of that makes
them very conscious of complexity.

Q. How much of your thinking about sexual plasticity comes from your own
life? You've been married. You are now in a committed relationship with the
playwright Paula Vogel.

A. My interest in gender issues preceded my own life changes.

When I first got involved in feminism, I was married.

The gender issues did to me what they did to lots of women in the 1970's:
they infuriated me.

My poor husband, who was a very decent guy, tried as hard as he could to be
sympathetic. But he was shut out of what I was doing.

The women's movement opened up the feminine in a way that was new to me,
and so my involvement made possible my becoming a lesbian. My ex and I are
still friends. He's remarried.

Q. So the antifeminists are right: women's liberation is the first step
toward lesbianism?

A. (Laughs) It's true. I call myself a lesbian now because that is the life
I am living, and I think it is something you should own up to.

At the moment, I am in a happy relationship and I don't ever imagine
changing it.

Still, I don't think loving a man is unimaginable.

Q. What do you think nature is telling us by making intersexuals?

A. That nature is not an ideal state.

It is filled with imperfections and developmental variation.

We have all these Aristotelian categories of male and female.

Nature doesn't have them.

Nature creates a whole lot of different forms.

Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

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