

had to call 911 as jack had blockage. they gave him something to drink to flush him out but it didn't work so after trying an  enema and still no results they gave him a stong drink called go litely. hospital sent me home and called at 10pm for me to pick him up. i got a strong neighbor to drive me over and help get him into house,well when we arrived at home wecouldn't get him to stand. i ran and took out a desk chair that had wheels to roll jack inside. he scared both of us as he got glassy eyed and we barely got him seated . i had to call911 again and ambulance took him back to er. i refused to go back for fear they would expect me to bring him home again. i phoned er and said i thought he was dehydrated but nurse said no. outcome he was admitted and he had to have iv.
  our dr saw him this morning and sasid he had atrial fibrallation. she said it could be from stress but stilldid 3 tests to check heart and gave him meds 2 tests were okay and tomorrow she'll have other results and then decide about heart meds.
  he will be released tomorrow but she has ordered a nurse to check vitals every day also physical theripist to come to house,,plus she wants home health care to give me help.
that way jack can't squak about someone in house. he will do anything dr tells him but ignores my advice---so i will have help after all. i am beat and ready for a rest.
   no complaints we still are so fortunate to have wonderful medical service up in our neck of the woods.
  love and prayers